Thursday 5 September 2013

Near UK record Grayling

Beautiful rivers share beautiful fish...  no better way can describe when the ledgendary River Test produced this fantastic Grayling that tipped the scale at 4lb ..... not far off a potential  British record..   It's captor completely stunned by the bankside attention remained quite unaware of the achievement that had just unfolded before our eyes. 
Fishing a dry daddy, the specimen rose from the fast water to engulf that fly.  There ensused a dogged battle until the fish was finally and safely guided over the waiting net.  Quickly photographed and weighed the fish was swiftly slipped back to the water.  Perhaps next time it will top the scale as a magic record breaker..

What a sight, and a fishing moment I will not be forgetting .

Stunning Grayling from the River Test.

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